On The Cusp

python project digital twin
My digital twin in front of a wallpaper of rotating code

My digital twin project is on the cusp of going interactive. Up until this point, my twin has been reading my email, watching my browsing habits, and observing some of my social media accounts. He occasionally generates some metrics for me. After a bit of hacking on some code this weekend, I'm on the cusp of adding some basic interactions. I have already completed the POC code and testing so I know that they work. I still need to ensure that I have guardrails in place to ensure that I do not try to chat up the entire planet. Hopefully, I can get those put in place in the next week or so.

I have also taken this opportunity to introduce a new image size into my blog posts. I like the look of the half height banner images on some post. It was a very small these tweak.

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