Blog Relaunched

grav wordpress website
Grav logo covering WordPress logo on brick wall

I've been using WordPress for all of my personal websites for quite a while now. Last year, I started to get the feeling that WordPress was just getting too complex to manage. Updates while good to have, it gets burdensome to continually vet new releases against various plugins. I decided that I needed something simpler. I started launching new sites using Grav, a flat file based CMS.

I migrated my main personal site to Grav this weekend. The actual install and initial setup took just a few minutes. I'm just using a fork of the default Quark theme. It's relatively basic, but it fairly flexible and suits my needs for now. My goal for this weekend was to migrate my main pages, and I met that goal. I'll work on migrating my past blog entries over at a later time. I did manage to get my WFL site moved over.

I'm pretty happy with the site so far. It's less resource intensive than my previous WordPress site since my server is now serving up static pages for my site. I've still got a bit more work to do (like the content for the main page), but that's for another weekend.

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